Here are some key rabies prevention steps:
· Ensure that dogs, cats and ferrets are vaccinated properly against rabies by a licensed veterinarian.
· Discuss vaccinating horses and other livestock with your veterinarian. If you believe your animal has been exposed to rabies, or possibly bitten by a rabid animal, immediately contact your veterinarian.
- Do not feed wild animals or allow your pets around them. Teach children to stay away from wild mammals. Do not keep pet food outside as that may attract wild animals.
- Protect all pets, particularly animals too young to be vaccinated, from contact with wild animals. Puppies and kittens should be vaccinated for rabies as early as three months old.
- Contact your veterinarian if your dog or cat is bitten or scratched by wild animals, such as skunks, bats, foxes or raccoons.
- Take steps to bat proof your home.
- If you or a family member has been bitten by a wild animal or a domestic animal, contact your physician and Pueblo Animal Services at 719-544-3005 immediately.
Call: Pueblo Animal Control 544-3500: extension 4
Call: Pueblo City-County Health Department at 583-4323 for assistance.
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